Women and girls in India are born into a social and cultural system steeped in inequity and
discrimination. They receive an unfair share of opportunities, attention and resources from the
of their conception. Females are expected to perform largely reproductive functions. Gender
treatment and discriminatory practices also places females at a higher risk of violations of all
and make them socially, economically and emotionally dependent on men in the family. Manifestations
discrimination against women, in India, are also mediated by factors such as their education level,
earning status, caste, etc.
Women and child development programmes of the organization are envisaged and conducted to
build/strengthen their capacity in a wholesome manner. Other than female specific programmes, the
organization consciously targets women/girls in its programmes be it education & literacy, health
projects or skill development/capacity building trainings. Programmes for child development are done
their healthy upbringing and early education for development of their body and mind.
Women and girls in India are born into a social and cultural system steeped in inequity and
discrimination. They receive an unfair share of opportunities, attention and resources from the
of their conception. Females are expected to perform largely reproductive functions. Gender
treatment and discriminatory practices also places females at a higher risk of violations of all
and make them socially, economically and emotionally dependent on men in the family. Manifestations
discrimination against women, in India, are also mediated by factors such as their education level,
earning status, caste, etc.
Women and child development programmes of the organization are envisaged and conducted to
build/strengthen their capacity in a wholesome manner. Other than female specific programmes, the
organization consciously targets women/girls in its programmes be it education & literacy, health
projects or skill development/capacity building trainings. Programmes for child development are done
their healthy upbringing and early education for development of their body and mind.
Organization’s programmes/projects on Women & Child Development may be categorized under
- Self-Help Group (SHG) formation, nurture and consolidation into Cooperative/Federation
- Support to women facing suppression, unequal treatment, denial of rights, etc. due to dowry,
discord, maladjustment, etc. through community, legal or police help.
- Short duration shelter and rehabilitation to women suffering oppression, separation, abandonment
Job/self-employment oriented vocational training specifically for females
- Integrated development of female handicraft artisans including skill up gradation, production
marketing of handicraft products.
- Day care, pre-school education and nutrition care of young children of working mothers
Treatment & nutritional support to malnourished children; counselling and training of mothers for
nutritious diet preparation and child care.
- Programmes for adolescent girl reproductive health
- Awareness generation, training, advocacy and network development on common issues affecting
children and community, in general, like hand washing & sanitation, total immunization, breast
girl child education, violence against women, etc.